Melbourne 2016

The 2016 AWRC Conference was hosted by the Victorian Wildlife Council (Link) and held at the Peninsula C event space at Central Pier Shed 14, Docklands, surrounded by beautiful views of the Victoria Harbour. The conference ran from the 1st to the 4th August 2016. The theme for the 2016 conference was "Connecting to Country" and the keynote speaker was internationally-renowned wildlife photographer Steve Parish. In addition to being our keynote speaker, Steve kindly offered to hold one of his renowned photography workshops especially for WRC 2016 delegates at CAE, Melbourne City on Sunday 31st July (Link).
Major sponsors include IFAW, Victorian Government, City of Melbourne, Denise Garratt, Wombaroo Passwell, Whomp and Wildlife Land Trust. All papers on this website remain the intellectual property of the authors and may not be copied or distributed in any way without prior written consent of the author. Authors please note that in a small number of cases the papers provided to AWRC had been reformatted. If your paper is formatted incorrectly please contact us so we can update the papers soon as possible
Major sponsors include IFAW, Victorian Government, City of Melbourne, Denise Garratt, Wombaroo Passwell, Whomp and Wildlife Land Trust. All papers on this website remain the intellectual property of the authors and may not be copied or distributed in any way without prior written consent of the author. Authors please note that in a small number of cases the papers provided to AWRC had been reformatted. If your paper is formatted incorrectly please contact us so we can update the papers soon as possible